by Michelle Iracheta

Last year, the Endometriosis Foundation of Houston launched a campaign called "Faces of Endo," where we highlighted the stories of our community. We shared the pain, frustration and heartache that comes with living with endometriosis. We also shared the joys people discovered after finding a solution that worked for them.
Soon, we will be relaunching the "Faces of Endo" campaign, and we'd like for you to share your endo journey with us. These stories will be made into individual videos that may be shared on our website, social pages, newsletters and other marketing materials. The idea is to spread the word about what it's like living with endometriosis, while curbing the spread of misinformation.
We want to know all the details. Have you lost your job? Have your relationships suffered? Are you unable to conceive? Did you have a really heavy period for the majority of your life only to be told by your doctor that it was normal? Then we want to hear from you!Â
Stay tuned for more information on how you can participate. Together, we can rethink endo.
Michelle Iracheta is an EFHou cofounder.