by EFHou Staff

In February 2020, the Endometriosis Foundation of Houston launched its blog, which highlighted the voices of the endometriosis community. We shared personal anecdotes, products, recipes, and encouraging advice from experts. We hope to carry that inspiration forward into 2021.
Here are our top stories of 2020.
Self-Compassion and Endometriosis
by Rosemarie Philip MODL, PCC

I am a burden.
This has been replayed over and over in my head. In fact, I can’t remember when I didn’t hear that voice. This one statement was at the crux of everything endo, and as I am sure you can relate, everything endo meant every aspect of my life.
Keep Reading...
The best Online Resources for Endometriosis Care
by Michelle Iracheta

Our purpose is to serve the greater Houston area, but our community and endometriosis awareness has spread across the world. We've put together an extensive list of resources of online support communities, books, doctors, and downloadable information specifically for patients looking for accurate endometriosis facts. The endometriosis community that disperses factual, scientific knowledge about endometriosis is small. But, we have banded together to tame the spread of inaccuracy prevailing in our community.
Is Eating Stressful Because of Your Endometriosis?
by Dr. Jessica Drummond, DCN, CNS, PT, NBC-HWC

Having endometriosis often makes it difficult to eat, because one of the most challenging
things that endometriosis lesions can do is implant on or around the digestive tract, including the colon and the small intestine. Plus, not only can there be endometriosis lesions specifically on and around the digestive organs, but the adhesions that are related to the endometriosis disease can also slow down the motility of the digestive tract. So, in my practice, I often see women with endometriosis struggle with digestive challenges. Over time, many of them become understandably fearful of what to eat.
Feed Me Friday: Oatmeal Cake
by Alison Landolt

Who needs cake? I need cake! This #FeedMeFriday recipe is not sugar-free. It's not dairy-free. It's not particularly endo-friendly or even healthy. But it IS gluten-free. And sometimes, you just have to go for good enough — especially when you're in the middle of a pandemic and the world around you is a mess. We'll do better when life gets back to normal.
Why the phrase 'demon sperm' matters
by Michelle Iracheta

Like many Americans, we watched in horror on Tuesday as the phrase #demonsperm began trending on Twitter. We were shocked when a Houston doctor made unsubstantiated claims on a controversial medical treatment and we were appalled when we later learned this same doctor has made bizarre claims in the past regarding endometriosis and other gynecological diseases being caused by having sexual intercourse with demons and witches.
Not only is this false, but it’s also dangerous.
These stories were the most read on our blog. If you have something to share or you're interested in submitting a blog post, please reach out to EFHou by emailing us at We look forward to sharing more inspiring stories with you in 2021.
Happy New Year!