by Alison Landolt

I began my gluten-free journey in January before 2020 turned into a total dumpster fire.
At the same time, my boyfriend decided to go "weekday vegan." The betrayal! How am I supposed to support both a GF diet and a vegan diet?! Isn’t vegan just fake wheat and soy “meat”?! This endo life does not play with that!
It turns out there is more to vegan than fake food, just like there should be more to GF than equally fake food. In fact, gluten-free, vegan, endo-friendly food can even taste decadent! WUT! This recipe for cauliflower steak does not disappoint! (Unless you’re my cat, but Sir Lucifur Fluffypants always looks mad anyway.)
Take it in. Now back up. This recipe has three components: “salsa”, puree, and cauli-steak. This might be a little intimidating for less experienced cooks, so don’t be afraid to break it down! It’s a great weekend dish to make when you have a little more time on your hands to take it slow. If you feel like making it during the week, my suggestion is to make the salsa the night before. You can also just make the cauliflower steak and say “forget you!” to the other components. So many options! All good!
Recipe Notes: Lemon does play a central role in the dish. I’m sorry if you have a painful bladder. You may want to sit this one out. I replaced the butter with a neutral cooking oil.
You can omit the capers, currants, and chile from the “salsa” if you’re fussy, like me.
Alison Landolt is an EFHou cofounder.